
Hello everyone, just an introduction to this blog. This blog will be primarily for me to document my learning of the Korean language. I plan to focus mainly on learning this language and posting as I learn. I will be looking at a range of different sources and giving them reviews, provide you with tips and tricks and also an updates on what I have learnt, what I found useful and thus hopefully aiding you to learn the language.  As I am also new to learning this language, I will happily take any criticism or feedback, as this will only help me to improve. I will be updating at least once a week, feel free to ask any questions or contact me.

Just to give you some background information about myself, my name is Lucy and I am a 17 year old girl from the lovely country of Australia. Other than learning Korean some hobbies of mine include reading, online shopping and getting way to addicted to numerous different TV shows 🙂

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